Many people wonder when is the right time to consult with an attorney about their family law case. Often, the difficulty in making this decision results in people waiting too long to confer with an attorney. Having a client come into our office long after pleadings have been filed, arguments heard and even orders entered is often a frustrating experience. As family law attorneys we are able to see how the case might have gone differently if the person would have been represented throughout the process. Often, by the time the person comes into our office our ability to help them is severely limited by actions previously taken while unrepresented.
While each person’s case and circumstances are different, here are occasions when you may want to consider speaking with a family law attorney:
- If you are served with a petition, motion, notice, or other court document.
- If you are considering filing a petition or complaint in your family law case.
- If you are entering a marriage and you want to know about protecting the assets you currently have.
- If you are experiencing a change in circumstances in your family and want to know how it might affect your legal rights or obligations.
Just because you speak with an attorney about your case does not mean that you have to hire that attorney to represent you; however, at least you can ask that attorney what the process will be like. With more information you will be more prepared to decide whether you want to represent yourself, be represented by an attorney, or consult with an attorney, but do some of the work yourself.