Articles Posted in Divorce

In some blended families, stepparents take on the role of a primary parent. In these cases, the stepparent and his or her spouse often want to protect that stepparent’s relationship with the child. If the child’s other parent is willing (and sometimes even when they are unwilling), some stepparents choose to adopt the stepchild as their own. Stepparent adoptions are usually simpler and quicker than other adoptions. That said, all adoptions have significant emotional and financial implications, and all issues should be considered prior to deciding whether stepparent adoption is right for your family.

To accomplish a stepparent adoption, the child’s relationship with one of his or her biological parents must be legally terminated. In most stepparent adoptions, this is done by consent of the biological parent, but can also be done if the biological parent’s rights are terminated involuntarily. If the child is over 14 years of age, the child’s consent will be required for the adoption to proceed. See RCW 26.33.160(1)(c). While a pre-placement report will not be required in most stepparent adoption cases, a post-placement report is always required.  RCW 26.33.220. After the post-placement adoption is completed, a hearing can be noted to enter the final decree of adoption. After the stepparent adoption, the adopted parent (formerly stepparent) will have the same rights to the child as any adoptive parent would. Should the biological and adoptive parent every end their marriage, the adoptive parent will retain parental rights to his or her adopted child.

If you are considering a stepparent adoption, or if your child’s other parent is requesting that you permit their spouse to adopt your child, you should speak with a family law attorney about your options. We would be honored if you chose to contact us.

When it passed, Referendum 74 made same-sex marriage legal in Washington State. Along with providing equal rights to marriage to same-sex couples, this referendum changed domestic partnership law. After June 30, 2014, pursuant to RCW 26.60.030, to enter a state registered domestic partnership two people must meet the following requirements:

  1. They must share a common residence;
  2. Both must be over 18, and one must be at least 62 years of age;

Most parenting plans are not strictly followed all of the time. In fact, some parenting plans contain provisions for times when the parents may agree to not follow parts of the parenting plan (in which case their behavior is not a violation at all). Many times, the failure to follow the parenting plan is by agreement of both parties, and in the best interest of the kids. For example, if the child becomes ill during one parent’s residential time with the child, the parents may agree that the child should remain with that parent, rather than having to move to the other parent’s house (in compliance with the parenting plan’s residential schedule) while ill.

In most cases, and especially when done by agreement of the parties, violations of the parenting plan are never addressed by attorneys or the court. However, in circumstances where one party violates the parenting plan without the agreement of the other party, and the violations are frequent and/or serious, a parent may need to ask the court to enforce the parenting plan on their behalf. Here are some options for a parent dealing with the other parent’s noncompliance:

  1. Do nothing. As stated previously, a parent may always choose to do nothing. If the violation does not bother you or your child, you do not have to do anything. (If the parent chooses to do nothing, they do risk that they could later be found to have acquiesced to the change in the parenting plan, providing the other party a case for modification.)
  2. Seek the assistance of a lawyer who can draft a demand letter. In some cases, a firmly written letter to the other party demanding their compliance with the plan is enough to end the violations.
  3. File a motion for a modification. If you believe these violations of the parenting plan create grounds for a modification (this is an issue that should be discussed with an attorney), you may file for a modification of the parenting plan. The modification should seek to end the violation of the parenting plan.
  4. File a motion for contempt. If a motion for contempt is granted the court will have the ability to redress the violation. The court may order the violating parent to provide the other party with make-up time with the child. It may order that visitation be temporarily suspended. The court may also order the violating parent to pay the other parent’s attorney fees.

Please note, if you ever feel that you or your child’s safety is in immediate danger call the police and seek their assistance.

In some states determining whose fault it is that the marriage ends is a necessary part of the dissolution process. However, in Washington it is unnecessary to show who is to blame. A divorce may be ordered by the court without establishing that one party is at fault. In the majority of cases fault is also irrelevant to the property division, order of child support, and the parenting plan. There are, however, some circumstances when the behavior of one party during the marriage can affect the dissolution proceedings:

  1. Parenting – A spouse who acts in a way that could threaten the health or welfare of the children should be aware that his or her behavior could affect the parenting plan. If the divorce was caused by one parent being abusive, using drugs, or otherwise living in a way that could compromise the safety and/or security of the children, then who is at fault in the divorce may become relevant.
  2. Property – In limited circumstances, a party’s behavior during marriage can affect the property distribution and/or spousal maintenance. If it is found that one spouse used marital assets in a way that had no chance of benefiting the community the court may consider this when dividing assets. In determining spousal maintenance, the court may look at the behavior of the spouses during marriage.
  3. Child Support – It is unlikely that the court will consider spousal fault in determining child support. However, if the spouses divorce because of one spouse’s failure to contribute to the family finances, this may become relevant to determining child support. In most cases, the parents’ income determines child support. In circumstances where one parent is unemployed or underemployed, the court has to set a child support level based on an imputed income.

It is important that you discuss with your attorney the reason that you and your spouse are divorcing. While it will not determine whether you can get divorced in Washington, it may impact other areas of your dissolution case.

Please contact us if you’d like to set an appointment.

Many divorcing parents come into our office assuming that they either have an advantage or disadvantage in parenting plan issues because of their sex. Fathers often think that the court is going to award the mother more residential time with the children than they receive merely because they are men. Mothers sometimes assume that they won’t have to do much to show what kind of parent they are because the laws favor them in issues of parenting. In reality there is nothing within the parenting plan laws in Washington that favors one gender or the other. In fact, the laws are intentionally drafted to apply to either spouse regardless of gender.

That said, there is a reason why parents come into our office assuming that Washington laws benefit women in parenting issues. Washington laws favor the historical primary caretaker of the children. Although times are changing and fathers are becoming more involved in the lives of their children, in most families the primary caretaker of the children is still the mother. That means in most circumstances it is the mother that ends up being the primary parent.

Regardless of whether we are representing a mother or a father, we prepare to represent our clients regardless of their gender. Parents should know that it is not their gender that predicts the time they will have with their kids after a parenting plan is entered in court. Instead, it is usually based on the role each parent has played in the child’s life.

When a person is served with a divorce petition they are often left feeling afraid and unsure of what to do next. There are a few things that should be done within a few days of being served with divorce papers:

  1. Read every word of every document you are served with.
  2. Repeat step number one until you feel like you understand what the documents mean.
  3. Make an appointment with a family law attorney in your area. Be sure to advise the person you are setting your appointment with that you were served with a petition (and any other documents that were included). Provide the appointment-setter with the date you were served, and when you must respond to the petition by. It will usually be twenty days from the date you were served.
  4. Spend the time between when you are served and your appointment going through all your affairs. Make copies of documents related to your assets, debts, children, income, and your spouse’s income. Keep the copies well organized and ready for reference at your first appointment.
  5. Create a list of questions you want to ask the attorney at your first meeting.
  6. At your initial meeting with an attorney you will want to discuss the three (more likely only the first two) options you have in responding to the petition: (a) you may respond with a response to petition; (b) you can respond with a counter-petition asking the court for different relief than that requested in the petitioner’s petition; and (c) you can do nothing. In most cases, this is the worst choice you could make. It can result in a default judgment in favor of the petitioner without the court hearing your side of the story.

As you can see you do have options when you are served with divorce papers. You can choose to hire an attorney, or choose to represent yourself. You can choose to complete a response to the petition or a counter-petition. In most cases, the only thing you shouldn’t do is nothing. If you do nothing you may lose rights and benefits you didn’t even know you have. The effects of having a judgment entered without your input are likely to be detrimental and enduring.

If you have been served and you want to discuss your case with a Seattle family law attorney, please contact us.

Jurisdiction is the power of a court to make decisions regarding an issue or case. In family law, questions of jurisdiction can be very simple, extremely complex, or somewhere in between. For example, if the parties (to a family law action) have children and all involved parties and children live in Washington (and the children have been in the state for six months), Washington courts will have jurisdiction. Unfortunately, things are not always this simple. Family law actions are often precipitated by one parent and/or spouse moving out of the state. So where is the proper place to file if the parties live in two different states?

Jurisdiction over most family law cases is governed by RCW 4.28.185. This permits Washington courts jurisdiction over nonresident parties (i.e., parties living outside the state) if the nonresident party may have conceived a child in the state, lived as a married couple in the state, agrees to jurisdiction in Washington, or if the petitioning party still lives here or is a member of the armed services stationed here. Please note, even if the court does not have personal jurisdiction over the nonresident party, the court may still dissolve the marriage of the parties, but it will be unable to divide property and liabilities.

Jurisdiction in cases involving child custody is governed by the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act. This act requires that jurisdiction over initial custody determinations be made by the child’s home state. (The home state may  decline jurisdiction if Washington is deemed a more appropriate forum.) The home state is the state where the child has lived for six months prior to the filing of the action. (If the child is under six months of age then the child’s home state is where the child has lived since birth.) The issue of jurisdiction can be further complicated if the child and both parents are no longer present in the state that would otherwise be deemed the child’s home state, but the child has not been in a new state long enough to create a new home state.

During marriage, many people say that they have to pick their battles with their spouse. They say that in everyday annoyances they choose to let it go and choose not to “battle,” but in bigger, fundamental issues they choose to discuss, argue, and (hopefully) work it out. While it may seem that the time for this type of decision making ends when the marriage does, it can actually be even more important to carefully choose your battles after the marriage has ended.

Here are a few things that should be considered when deciding whether to battle or let it go:

  1. Compare the Problem to the Potential Solution. Sometimes a client comes in with an underpayment of $500 for a one-time cost that the other party should have shared with them. They want to go to court and ask the court to require the other party to pay. While we understand this inclination to seek justice, in some circumstances the amount to be gained, is less than the resources that could be expended going to court. (That said, see number two) In those circumstances, it is sometimes advisable to let the issue go.
  2. Consider the Intangibles. Sometimes it is important to involve the court in your dispute so that you set a standard of compliance with the orders. If your child’s other parents is continually late with child support or maintenance, but you always end up getting paid, it might still be worth bringing this to the court’s attention merely because of the message it communicates to the other party. In some instances it is important that the other party know that you will not tolerate continual misfeasance.
  3. Think About the Kids. If you have children, it is important to think about the possible adverse effects that might arise from taking the other party to court. I recently consulted with a client that had a great co-parenting relationship with her former spouse. She then told me that he had failed to pay his portion of a childcare bill amounting to a few hundred dollars. We discussed the potential benefits and disadvantages of the suit. She believed that bringing her children’s father to court would sour their relationship. We discussed the importance of keeping written record of his failure to pay, but eventually she decided that ruining their co-parenting relationship was not worth a few hundred dollars.

This is only a brief list of things to be considered prior to bringing a party back to court for failure to comply with a court order, or for other reasons. If you are considering bringing your former spouse back to court and you would like to discuss the issue with a family law attorney, we’d be honored if you chose to contact us.

On this blog, we’ve previously discussed the ways that a parenting plan can adjust to the needs of children as they grow and change. Parenting plans can also be drafted to fit the needs of the parents. This can include work schedules. Our clients are not all 9-5 employees. Some work nights, some work swing shift, others work schedules that require them to work several days in a row and then take several days off. For unmarried parents with these types of schedules, more conventional parenting plans may not work.

Some people aren’t aware of the ways a parenting plan can be written to fit their life. For example, instead of having the kids every other weekend, plans can include provisions that adjust based on the work schedule of either or both parents (perhaps providing one parent three weekends in a row, then the other two weekends in a row). As another example, families working night or swing shifts might prefer having their residential time with their children start in the morning following their shift instead of in the evening after school.

It is our goal to draft parenting plans that fit our clients’ families. We work to ensure that we know our clients, and how their work schedules might affect their time with their kids. Please contact us if you’d like to discuss your parenting plan or other family law issue.

It is intuitive that a divorce after one year looks different from a divorce after ten years. It follows that a divorce after twenty or thirty years can be different by a greater degree. Here are three ways divorces can vary based on the length of the marriage:

  1. Spousal Maintenance: If one party is the sole breadwinner (or the main breadwinner), the longer the marriage is increases the likelihood that spousal maintenance will be ordered. It also often extends the duration of the spousal maintenance. On the other hand, if a marriage only lasted one year, it is unlikely that the economically disadvantaged spouse has the same level of reliance on the other party, and thus may not be awarded maintenance.
  2. Retirement Assets: A longer marriage usually involves more retirement assets. These assets need to be awarded to either one party, the other party, or divided between the parties. Longer marriages usually mean that more of the retirement assets go to the party with the lower ability to recoup the losses caused by the divorce. If the parties are already retired, there are other issues that must be addressed.
  3. Status of the Parties: In short term marriages, the parties’ statuses often don’t change much from the time of the marriage to the time of the dissolution. In mid-length marriages, community assets and debts are often acquired, and kids have often been added to the equation. In long-term marriages there is often an abundance of community assets and debts, and less time for the parties to replace assets lost during dissolution.

The length of a marriage can have other implications too. Sometimes aging brings on health issues that can complicate dissolution issues. Sometimes people in mid-length marriages want to get support to get a educational degree or accreditation. In short-term marriages sometimes a home has been purchased, but very little equity has been acquired and selling the house might be tough, but keeping the house might be impossible with only one income paying for it.

While divorces change based on the length of the marriage, it is always important to find an attorney that runs a client-centered practice. This allows the attorney to get to know you, learn about your marriage, and help you plan for your future after divorce.

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