
Articles Posted in Divorce


Do You Have to Change Your Name When You Get Divorced?

Many things change for a person who gets divorced: marital status, financial situation, and relationships with children to name a few.  Another thing that might change is the person’s last name.  While in comparison to moving, having less time with kids, and having to divide most of your assets, changing a last…


Divorced for the Holidays: Extended Family

Past blog posts have discussed tips for helping children of two-home families deal with the holiday season and spending holidays away from one of their parents.  Today’s post discusses another group of people affected by a two-home family: the extended family.  Oftentimes, divorced (or otherwise unmarried) parents hope that all their…


Holidays in Two-Home Families

Whether it be because of divorce, children being born outside of marriage, or other non-traditional family structures, we have many clients with children whose parents and/or guardians are living in more than one home.  This can be difficult for kids and families on typical days, but is especially difficult on…


Alternative Dispute Resolution in Family Law Cases

In family law cases, people are often confused and worried about whether or not they have to have a trial.  Many are  nervous about testifying, the judge being mean, and/or having to sit across from the opposing party.  Trials can be stressful, intimidating, and not conducive to a harmonious co-parenting…


Property Divided Upon Dissolution

As part of the dissolution of marriage process in Washington, according to RCW 26.09.080 “the court shall, without regard to misconduct, make such disposition of the property and the liabilities of the parties, either community or separate, as shall appear just and equitable after considering all relevant factors…” Prior to dividing…


Divorce and the Discovery Process: Five Areas of Focus

During a Washington State Divorce a divorcing spouse will have the ability to ask questions (through interrogatories or depositions), request documents, and ask for admissions from the other party (and third parties); this process is called the discovery process.  Here are five areas that divorcing people should focus their attention…


Preparing For Divorce: Your Relationship With Your Kids

After last week’s blog post about preparing yourself for divorce (called dissolution of marriage in Washington State) we had more to say on how to prepare your relationship with your children for your divorce and subsequent two-house family.  (Please note, this article is also relevant for non-married couples with children…

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