
Articles Posted in Civil Protection Order


Recent Changes to Washington Civil Protection Order Laws

Major changes in Washington’s civil protection order laws took effect July 1, 2022. The changes were intended to update and harmonize laws related to civil protection orders. Civil protection order laws are now consolidated under RCW 7.105. Under the new law, rules and procedures will be more standardized across the…


Washington Court Denies DOSA Sentence for Multiple Violations of No Contact Order

Washington’s Drug Offender Sentencing Alternative (“DOSA”) program provides substance use disorder treatment and community treatment to people with a substance use disorder who have committed certain crimes. A DOSA sentence reduces or eliminates the time a person must spend in jail or prison if they complete the treatment and comply…


Washington Felony Theft Conviction for Taking Cell Phone

Washington domestic violence cases often involve allegations the defendant took or damaged the alleged victim’s phone.  Taking a phone in such circumstances may result in charges of interfering with reporting domestic violence, but it can also result in theft charges.  Given the ever-increasing price of mobile phones, those theft charges…


Washington Felony Protection Order Violation Convictions Reduced to Misdemeanors

Pursuant to RCW 26.50.110(5), violation of certain Washington protection orders is a class C felony if the defendant has two or more prior convictions for violating specified types of protection orders. A defendant recently challenged his felony convictions, arguing the state failed to prove the validity of one of his…


Washington Court Must Enter Written Findings with Contempt Order

When a court enters certain types of Washington protection orders, it must also require the surrender of firearms and other weapons upon a proper showing that the respond used, displayed, or threatened to use a firearm or other dangerous weapon in a felony or that the respondent is not eligible…


Washington Appeals Court Rejects First Amendment Challenge to Stalking Conviction

The First Amendment protects the right to free speech. A defendant recently challenged a felony stalking conviction, arguing it was based solely on protected speech. The defendant was retried after his conviction was reversed on appeal. According to the appeals court’s opinion, an employee of the county corrections center testified…


Washington Appeals Court Upholds Mother’s Felony Harassment Conviction

Some custody cases can become so acrimonious they result in Washington civil protection orders and even criminal court.  In a recent unpublished case, a mother challenged her convictions of felony harassment and felony violation of a protection order. When the parents divorced, the mother was awarded sole custody of the…


Visitation Provisions in Washington DVPO Are Not Parenting Plan Modification

Washington domestic violence protection orders must be supported by a preponderance of the evidence that domestic violence occurred. Domestic violence protection order proceedings are not subject to the same rules of evidence as other types of cases. A court may rely on evidence, such as hearsay, that would not be…


Changes in Washington’s Civil Protection Order Laws

The Washington legislature recently passed legislation that makes significant changes to Washington civil protection order law. The legislation expressed an intent to clarify and simplify civil protection laws, in part to provide greater access to protection orders and the related court processes.  To further this goal, the new legislation consolidates…


Washington Court Denies Renewal of Domestic Violence Protection Order

When a court grants a Washington domestic violence protection order for a fixed period of time, the petitioner may seek a renewal up to three months before it expires.  A petition for renewal should be granted unless the respondent shows he or she will not resume domestic violence upon the…

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